In this engaging text, authors Clayton J. Mosher and Scott Akins discuss the physiological, psychological, and behavioral effects of legal and illicit drugs; the patterns and correlates of use; and theories of the "causes" of drug use.
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This text "breathes life" into the research process. —Sherill Morris-Francis, Mississippi Valley State University The Practice of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice, Seventh Edition demonstrates the vital role research plays in ...
Throughout the book, the authors demonstrate the factors that underlie crime data and illustrate the fundamental links between theory, policy, and data measurement.
Through her analysis, Sara Rinfret continues the work of Judith Layzer and explores the background, players, contributing factors, and outcomes of each case, and gives readers insight into some of the most interesting and controversial ...
The Sixth Edition of Public Policy offers a fully revised, concise review of institutions, policy actors, and major theoretical models as well as a discussion of the nature of policy analysis and its practice.
In Cannabis, Box Brown delves deep into this troubling history and offers a rich, entertaining, and thoroughly researched graphic essay on the legacy of cannabis legislation in America.
Samuel Walker's SENSE AND NONSENSE ABOUT CRIME, DRUGS, AND COMMUNITIES was one of the first books to challenge common misconceptions about crime, and the new Eighth Edition remains uniquely effective at doing so.
Whether you plan to work in the field of policing, courts, or corrections, this book delivers the information and tools you need to deal effectively with ethical challenges on the job.