The Supremacy of Love describes and advocates an agape-centered vision of Aristotelian virtue ethics that portrays love as the most important moral virtue, and the goals of love as a partial constituent of every genuine virtue.
Clearly highlighted in the book is Ferro’s theory that transformation in dreams is the activity which is constantly carried out in the mind of the analyst, who nullifies the reality-status of the patient’s communication and considers ...
Lucia will show you how to: Channel the deep inner wisdom of your True Self Change negative attitudes about yourself Unlock creativity Uncover hidden artistic abilities Heal your relationships Through various drawing and writing exercises, ...
Once you master the book's techniques and conversations, you will understand Lifescripts' philosophy and can apply it to your most important one-on-one conversations.
Ben shu xuan ze zhong guo gu dai shi wu wei you dai biao xing de zhe xue jia, Dui ta men de zhe xue ti xi zuo le zheng ti xing de chan fa he jie shi, Cong mei yi wei zhe xue jia de gen ben wen ti chu fa, Ming que qi gai nian nei han ji wen ...