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A hard working mouse and her fun-loving companions teach each other how to have a comfortable and enjoyable life.
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Leo learns that playing by yourself can be a lot of fun.
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"Originally copyrighted 1988 by Price Stearn Sloan, Inc."
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Hating to share, Mumkin the pony builds a high fence around his part of the meadow but finds himself a prisoner when the other ponies build similar fences.
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Pompous Posh, a llama resident of the majestic mountains of Machew Peeshoo, spends his life searching for a creature who is his equal or better, never seeing the beauty and purpose in the other animals.
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Minikin is upset that he is smaller than all of his friends. He tries anything and everything to make himself just a little bit bigger. Eventually he does grow-just as time and nature intended.
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A sheep wishes for a horn like his unicorn friend has, but it costs him more than he can bear.
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A bunny and a bear want to be friends but each set of parents is prejudiced against the other animal group.
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Competitive Gabby has to win at everything she does. But when the rest of the Furry Eyefuls stop playing with her, Gabby must learn an important lesson--having fun is more important than winning. Full-color illustrations.
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So journey to the magical, mystical land of Serendipity "TM" with these four cherished editions featuring newly revised text from the author.