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... 9789867759511 AY / 874 2003 年 2 月 15 日,星期六,平凡得一如時間之流中的每一天。但為外科醫師亨利·貝羅安揭開這天序幕的,卻是遠方天空的空難事件。空難、街上的反戰人潮、車禍意外等,隨著他一天活動的開展,呈現出 911 恐怖事件對當代社會的餘波蕩漾 ...
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In Zhenguan's journey of first love, suffering, disillusionment, and - ultimately - zenlike triumph, Hsiao Li-hung celebrates the values and traditions that have sustained and nurtured life in Taiwan through the centuries.".
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Using a simple parable and real-life examples (including basketball great Larry Bird and major league baseball catcher Jorge Posada, Joachim’s cousin), this book shows you how the moves you make today can pay off big tomorrow—if you ...
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These are just a few of the inhabitants of Hon Lai-chu’s stories, where surreal charac-ters struggle to carve out space for freedom and individuality in an absurd world.
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A poignant and beautiful debut novel explores a man's quest to unravel the mystery of his wife's death with the help of the only witness -- their Rhodesian ridgeback, Lorelei.
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Like the award-winning novel Freak the Mighty, this is Philbrick at his very best.It's the story of an epileptic teenager nicknamed Spaz, who begins the heroic fight to bring human intelligence back to the planet.
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This inspiring collection of stories from professionals, caddies and amateur golfers shares the memorable moments of the game.
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" This book, the first of three in the Yamo's Village series, leads the young reader to think in real terms about the meaning of war and its impact. And they understand that there used to be many beautiful villages in Afghanistan.
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Written by and for preteens, this uplifting collection of stories touches on the emotions and situations they experience every day: making and losing friends, fitting in while keeping their personal identity, discovering the opposite sex, ...
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Through the experiences of others, readers from all walks of life can learn the gift of love, the power of perseverance, the joy of parenting and the vital energy of dreaming.