Formerly a SkyLight Publication Learn how to tap into practical strategies and techniques for developing and nurturing the full spectrum of intelligences identified by researcher Howard Gardner.
Nelson Science 10 is a comprehensive resource written at the academic level yet flexible enough to address all expectations for Grade 10 Applied courses.
This guide offers teaching models based on the theory of multiple intelligences (MI) and applies these models to the design of lessons that address the unique learning needs of all students.
After this discussion of the research, the publication is divided into five parts: (1) "Overview of the Seven Intelligences" (verbal/linguistic, logical/mathematical, visual/spatial, body/kinesthetic, musical/rhythmic, interpersonal ...
This book is about confronting current knowledge about assessment and applying it to restructuring the assessment process in schools so that assessment can become a means for enhancing and deepening learning.
This book suggests that the reading of science text and textbooks requires the same thinking skills that are involved in a hands-on science activity and presents the latest research on reading and learning science.
This book will provide both the framework for solving this dilemma and the specific, practical classroom practices that teachers can use each day to help students become more competent readers and writers.