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In Smart Schools, Perkins draws on over twenty years of research to reveal the common misguided strategies students use in trying to understand a topic, and then shows teachers and parents what strategies they can use with children to ...
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"Brave New Schools" is the first book in the cultural literacy debate that considers the impact of the information superhighway and its presence in the classroom.
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In Educational Renewal, Goodlad proposes a redesign of education that is grounded in a mission of enculturating the young in a social and political democracy.
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... 0070236267 Public schools -- United States . LA217.K688 Kozol , Jonathan . On being a teacher / Jonathan Kozol . New York : Continuum , 1981. xii , 177 p . 80-025950 371 / .01 / 0973 0826400353 -- Public schools United States ...
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... 0070 236 267 190 89 80 20 46 10 100 20 0050 233 267 225 93 78 37 6103 100 21 0059 215 225 207 94 88 32 54 02 100 22 0072 214 244 206 94 82 26 61 07 100 23 0009 204 223 190 95 82 41 80 01 75 24 0040 205 231 179 93 82 25 61 04 100 261 177 ...