The corpora range from 40,000 to 6 million characters of text, and results are presented for each in the Appendix. The methods described in the book have undergone extensive evaluation.
Like its predecessor, this edition of Indexing Books offers comprehensive, reliable treatment of indexing principles and practices relevant to authors and indexers alike.
Covers indexes on the web, indexing policies, software, navigational structure and taxonomies, online search engines, metadata and thesauri, and the semantic web.
However their role in large-scale sequence labelling systems has so far been auxiliary. The goal of this book is a complete framework for classifying and transcribing sequential data with recurrent neural networks only.
New York New York combines the talents of renowned photographer Harry Benson with text by society columnist Hilary Geary Ross to create a stunning portrait of New York's best-known citizens.
For authors, students, and beginning as well as experienced indexers, Wellisch (emeritus library and information science, U. of Maryland) covers not only back-of-the-book indexing but also the indexing of periodicals and nonprint material, ...
This third edition of what has become a classic among textbooks in schools of library and information science (and related programs) has been thoroughly updated to reflect the evolving technological advancements in the field.
Textbook on indexing methodology - describes the characteristics of indexes for monographs and periodicals, focuses on indexing procedures, editing, use of a thesaurus, and of word processing and computer aided techniques, etc., summarizes ...