... 0387947914 John Gribbin , Deep Simplicity : Chaos Complexity and the Emer- gence of Life ( Penguin Books , 2005 ) ISBN : 0141007222 John Gribbin , Schrodinger's Kittens and the Search for Reality : The Quantum Mysteries Solved ( Phoenix ...
Bak writes with such ease and lucidity, and his ideas are so intriguing...essential reading for those interested in complex systems...it will reward a sufficiently skeptical reader.
... 0387947914, ISBN 038798738X. • Elisabeth Göbel: Theorie und Gestaltung der Selbstorganisation. Duncker und Humblot, Berlin 1998 ISBN 3-428-09434-4 • Wolfgang Krohn/Günter Küppers: Selbstorganisation: Aspekte einer wissenschaftlichen ...
Critically acclaimed science journalist, Mark Buchanan tells the fascinating story of the discovery that there is a natural structure of instability woven into the fabric of our world, which explains why catastrophes-- both natural and ...
Written by leading experts in the field, this volume seeks to provide new insights and tools that have only recently become apparent through advances in complexity science.
Thus we make bad decisions based on the opinion of others - not even our own.Models for Critical Thinking provides you with unique insights into the nature of thinking and reasoning - why are we often so wrong, why are we so inclined to ...
This interdisciplinary book, written and peer-reviewed by international experts, presents recent advances in the search for new non-equilibrium principles beyond the Second Law, and their applications to a wide range of systems across ...