9810233027 from books.google.com
This book covers the physics of semiconductors on an introductory level, assuming that the reader already has some knowledge of condensed matter physics.
9810233027 from books.google.com
... 9810233027 : ISBN- 13 : 978-9810233020 . 8. W. Shockley , W.T. Read , Jr. , " Statistics of the Recombinations of Holes and Electrons , ” Phys . Rev. , Vol . 87 , no . 5 ( 1952 ) pp . 835–842 . 9. R.N. Hall , " Electron - Hole ...
9810233027 from books.google.com
This introductory text designed for the first course in semiconductor physics presents a well-balanced coverage of semiconductor physics and device operation and shows how devices are optimized for applications.
9810233027 from books.google.com
This book presents new research directions in a very new field which happens to be an old field as well.