1572307013 from books.google.com
... 1572307013 · - Grzymala - Moszczynska , H .. Psychologia religii : Wybrane zagadnienia [ Psychology of religion : Selected issues ] . 1992 . - - Grzymala - Moszczynska , H. Beit - Hallahmi , B. ( eds . ) , Religion , psycho - pathology ...
1572307013 from books.google.com
Zen and the Brain presents the latest evidence. In this book Zen Buddhism becomes the opening wedge for an extraordinarily wide-ranging exploration of consciousness.
1572307013 from books.google.com
Starting from a non-idealizing, non-demonological review of Judaism, Jewish history and anti-Semitism, this book presents a sympathetic analysis of the development of political Zionism - and goes on to show how a dream can become both a ...