1885693133 from books.google.com
This text is a valuable asset to supplement sport marketing courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels.
1885693133 from books.google.com
... 1885 693 133 6.8 11.9 390 19.8 1886 19 , 299 159 8.2 12.5 467 24. 2 1887 135 127 6.6 9.9 24. 4 1888 18,902 116 6. 1 9.4 225 11.9 1889 18.457 5.7 19.3 1890 18. 278 113 6.2 18.6 1891 18,273 122 6.7 13. 4 18.4 1892 17.876 116 6.5 10. 6 ...
1885693133 from books.google.com
... and appointed his own brother - in - law , James 134 Merchant , instead . 132Economist , 6 June 1885 , 693 . 133 The United States Gold Placers , Limited ( Directors ' 1341 : 1 The company's trials were only commencing . A. Ibid . 271.
1885693133 from books.google.com
... 1885 : 693 133 330 M. , einschließlich 19 167 690 M Zuwachs im Jahre 1885 . Einnahmen : Beiträge 1048 539,29 M , besgl . für frühere Jahre nachträglich 2911,30 M , Antheil des Feuer - Versicherungs - Verbandes in Mitteldeutschland an ...