The present collection offers fresh perspectives on the lexicon-syntax interface, drawing on novel data from South Asian languages like Bangla, Hindi-Urdu, Kashmiri, Kannada, Malayalam, Manipuri, Punjabi, and Telugu.
This volume challenges traditional approaches to foreign language education and proposes to redefine them in our age of international migration and globalization.
Lively debates pepper the volume with interactive dialogue, and volume editors Tim Stowell and Eric Wehrli provide an insightful overview and introduction to lexical theory.
This book is the second part of a two-volume reader on the 'Dative'. In the first part, which appeared in 1996, eleven papers were presented providing a syntactic and semantic description of the category 'Dative' in eleven languages.
This volume is devoted to the central cases relating to the basic oppositions between subject-object and agent-patient, viz. nominative and accusative, as well as their counterparts such as ergative and absolutive.
Van Hoecke), French (L. Melis), Spanish (N. Delbecque & B. Lamiroy), Portuguese (R. de Andrade), Polish (B. Rudzka-Ostyn), Hungarian (G. Tóth), Pashto (W. Skalmowski), Hebrew (P. Swiggers) and Orizaba Nahuatl (D. Tuggy).
Capping the series of conferences on this theme in Denmark, the present volume brings together a choice selection of the papers read by scholars and teachers from five continents and within all specialities in Translation Studies.
The volume is divided into sections reflecting the focal subject areas at the Congress: Translation, history and culture; Interpreting theory and training; Terminology and special languages; Teaching and training in translation.
The authors argue that this is the essence of professional decision-making in translation according to Levy translation is a decision-making process and that translation teachers should help students develop an understanding of translation ...