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... 9789866672446 (平裝)線性代數/陳子建等作.一初版.-臺中市:滄海, 9808. - 400 面; 26 公分.一 ISBN 9789866507441 (平裝) 1.線性代數 313.3 線性代數觀念與解析/陳子建,黃新峰,黃暐舜作.一初版.一臺中市:滄海, 9808. - 420 面; 26 公分. - IS BN ...
9789866672446 from books.google.com
你是不是常常想開口說英文或是寫作時會因為文法卡卡的而不敢表達呢? 常常脫口而出的一句話,卻不知道文法到底對不對、是不是用錯句型了? ...
9789866672446 from books.google.com
Framed by an epilogue and prologue, the story is told in the form three notebooks left by Ōba Yōzō, whose calm exterior hides his tormented soul.
9789866672446 from books.google.com
In Coffee Obsession, we take a journey through the coffee-producing nations around the world, presenting the different styles, flavors, and techniques used to brew the perfect cup.
9789866672446 from books.google.com
Gone, above all, is her Indian boyfriend, the maitre d' of the restaurant next door to the one she works in.