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Isabel Cranz reframes current understandings of P by comparing Priestly rituals of atonement to their Assyro-Babylonian counterparts.
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The combination of Bourdieu, Marx and Critical Theory enables a systematic analysis of the recreational frontier as enactment of various contradictions deriving from the “false-and-real” Nature/Society dualism.
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This work argues that teleological motives lie at the heart of Kant’s critical philosophy and that a precise analysis of teleological structures can both illuminate the basic strategy of its fundamental arguments and provide a key to ...
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Stefan Lindholm examines the Christology of Jerome Zanchi (1516–90), a leading 16th century reformed scholastic theologian.
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Philipp Meisen introduces a model, a query language, and a similarity measure enabling users to analyze time interval data.
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Robert Dochow mathematically derives a simplified classification structure of selected types of the portfolio selection problem.
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The authors provide an entry to the book by summarizing several mega-trends manifest across all of the chapters and identifying several emerging trends that are left for future research.
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Nadine Appelhans focuses on the relation between statutory planning and practices of everyday urbanisation.
9783658148607 from books.google.com
Guest Book For Memorail . Messages BookIt's a day to remember with this attractive guest book featuring beautiful flovers design.Inside offers generous amount of space for guests' names, well wishes, home addresses, and email addresses.