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... 9789867027610 (平裝) NT $ 28 1.政治運動 2.中華人民共和國-264 面: 26 公分.- (古代歷史文化研究輯刊;第 11 冊) . ISBN 978986 2540961 (精裝) 621.737 1.唐史 2.貞觀之治 3.儒學 4.郡縣制 624.14 國語智慧名言故事/牟宗豔編——版.一臺北市:廣達文化 ...
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本书以人为中心, 把美与人的现实存在联系起来, 阐述美学知识, 引领人们在现实生活中认识美, 激励人们用美敲响生活的大门.
9789867027610 from books.google.com
The Association for Japanese-Language Teaching (AJALT), renowned for its Japanese for Busy People series, has developed a comprehensive course for teaching Japanese to young adults in English-speaking countries.
9789867027610 from books.google.com
More than this, his monumental work can also be upheld as a significant addition to the growing corpus of books considered to be alternative (or people’s) history, different from and breaking the monopoly of such official elite versions ...
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Written for non-specialists, the volume reflects fresh perspectives from the scholarship of Singaporean academics.
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This book features the makings of 100 different Japanese home pages by providing the readers with the step-by-step procedures taken towards completion.
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Connected: 24 Hours in the Global Economy is part travel guide, part owner's manual—an absorbing, accessible, and essential road map for every citizen of the global economy in the twenty-first century.
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The authors of the bestselling Windows 3.1: The Visual Learning Guide apply their unique teaching style to the top-rated spreadsheet program from Microsoft.
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This is the historical memoir of Dr Poh Soo Kai, a medical doctor and a founder member of the People's Action Party.