9789571464428 from books.google.com
本书以明末清初的城市群众集体行动, 即所谓"民变"为研究对象. 以史籍记载为基础, 借鉴西方新文化史, 历史社会学, 社会心理学诸学科的理论进行阐释, 应用量化分析, ...
9789571464428 from books.google.com
Flannsday is the first novelette in the Erinesque series by Mark Will & G.J. Villa.
9789571464428 from books.google.com
Before the war, Eden’s life was easy.
9789571464428 from books.google.com
A celebration of both individuality and community, I Am a Cat is a strong debut that shows we’re all more alike than we think . . . if we look closely enough.
9789571464428 from books.google.com
This second edition has been revised and updated throughout to include the latest topics in this fast-moving field Includes 4 brand new chapters on radioactivity in food, food terrorism, food authenticity, and food supplements The most ...
9789571464428 from books.google.com
New information has been included in this edition to showcase the new tools and techniques that Eliot has been developing over the last thirty-five years. --Adapted from publisher description.
9789571464428 from books.google.com
This book explores the objects, means and ends of international cultural heritage protection.
9789571464428 from books.google.com
The Dark Side of Social Media takes a consumer psychology perspective to online consumer behavior in the context of social media, focusing on concerns for consumers, organizations, and brands.
9789571464428 from books.google.com
This book addresses the relations between risk and food theoretically and empirically through case studies from Japan and China. Part I of the book examines the interaction between theoretical aspects and decision-making.