9781416603290 from books.google.com
This work is a report on the positive impact of parental involvement on their child's academics and on the school at large.
9781416603290 from books.google.com
These texts, taken together, will provide a solid basis for international scholars without knowledge of Danish to be able to work closely with Grundtvig's ideas on education for the people.
9781416603290 from books.google.com
This book examines nearly 30 years of research to identify how teachers can incorporate writing instruction that helps students master the course content and improve their overall achievement.
9781416603290 from books.google.com
The authors are experienced international scholars. This book is aimed to become an essential resource for researchers, teachers, students and policy-makers who address the current challenges to learning.
9781416603290 from books.google.com
A series of modules designed to help educators explore and put into practice the research findings presented in The Art and Science of Teaching.
9781416603290 from books.google.com
The entries in this work cover the breadth of topics related to gender and education. They provide reference information on the history and condition of gender and education from elementary to high school.
9781416603290 from books.google.com
Drawing on her neurology expertise and classroom experience, author Judy Willis examined decades of learning-centered brain research to determine what information was most valid and relevant for educators.
9781416603290 from books.google.com
With this book as a guide, educators can move confidently across the digital divide to a world of new possibilities—for themselves and their students.
9781416603290 from books.google.com
This full-color book provides a practical approach to incorporating graphic inquiry across the curriculum for school library media specialists, technology coordinators, and classroom teachers.
9781416603290 from books.google.com
Opens up the debate into the nature of skill, skilfulness and expertise in vocational and professional education.