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Works: 1 works in 23 publications in 2 languages
紅毛港輓歌 = = S0u Bor-Ching : elegy on Hongmao Harbor : 蘇伯欽個展 / by: 卓群; 林麗真; 陳美智 (Language materials, printed)
生命的喜悅 : = 林弘行個展 / by: 蘇盈龍; 陳美智; 林弘行; 謝明學 (Language materials, printed)
李春祁個展 = = Li Chun-chi: to paint with passion in the ordinary world : 紅塵人間的真情墨 / by: 李春祈; 陳美智; 林慧珠; 曾媚珍; 凱敦山 (Language materials, printed)
上古神話 = = Wei-Tao : ancient myths and legends : 山海經 : 魏滔個展 / by: 林麗真; 陳美智; 卓群 (Language materials, printed)
林逸青 = = Lin Yih-ching Blanche : traces of energy-plant's vessel and pulse : 能量軌跡. 植物經脈列 / by: 林逸青; 陳美智; 曾媚珍; 凱敦山; 能量軌跡. 植物經脈系列-林逸青個展 ((民88) (Language materials, printed)
何從3D插畫世界 = = Ho Tsung : the world of 3D illustration / by: 陳美智; 謝明學; 林麗真; 何從 (Language materials, printed)
臉的惡作劇遊戲書 = = Play tricks with the face / by: 陳美智; 張惠雯; 陳嬋娟 (Language materials, printed)
綴拾邊境 = = Frippery:pecullar bijoutry or curiously adorned : 當代飾品的綺麗視域 / by: 林麗真 ; 陳美智; 卓群; 謝明學 (Language materials, printed)
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