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Earth (Planet)

Works: 1 works in 17 publications in 1 languages
Theory of the earth / by: Earth (Planet); Anderson, Don L. (Language materials, printed)
Enhanced surface imaging of crustal deformation = obtaining tectonic force fields using GPS data / by: Earth (Planet); Haines, A. John.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Plate tectonics & crustal evolution / by: Condie, Kent C.; Earth (Planet) (Language materials, printed)
Handbook of cosmic hazards and planetary defense by: Earth (Planet); Pelton, Joseph N.; Allahdadi, Firooz.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Treatise on geophysics by: Earth (Planet); Schubert, Gerald. (Electronic resources)
Evolution of archean crust and early life by: Earth (Planet); Dilek, Yildirim.; Furnes, Harald.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Physics and chemistry of the deep Earth by: Earth (Planet); Karato, Shun'ichiro, (1949-) (Electronic resources)
Principles and dynamics of the critical zone by: Earth (Planet); Giardino, John R.; Houser, Chris. (Electronic resources)
Earth's early atmosphere and oceans, and the origin of life by: Earth (Planet); SpringerLink (Online service); Shaw, George H. (Electronic resources)
The interaction between Earth's rotation and geophysical processes by: Sidorenkov, N. S.; Earth (Planet); Wiley InterScience (Online service) (Electronic resources)
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Imagination (Philosophy) Earth Sciences. Geology. Geochemistry. Geography. Earth (Planet)- Mantle. Geology, Structural. Popular Science. Geodesy. Seismology. Environmental geomorphology. Atmospheric circulation. Earth (Planet)- Internal structure. Geodynamics. Rheology. Biogeosciences. Erde. Planetology. Exobiology. Solar flares Extraterrestrial Physics, Space Sciences. Rock deformation. Atmosphere. Popular Earth Science. Astronomy, Observations and Techniques. Geophysics/Geodesy. Geotechnical Engineering & Applied Earth Sciences. Geologie. Solar system- Origin. Moon. Soil geomorphology. Earth (Planet)- Rotation. Spectroscopy and Microscopy. Earth (Planet)- Crust. Imaging systems in geophysics. Economic development- Forecasting Geomorphology. Inhomogeneous materials. Paleontology. Inversion (Geophysics) Earth (Planet)- Surface. Hydrology. Seismic waves. Continuum Mechanics and Mechanics of Materials. Life- Origin. Geological cross sections. Ecology- Forecasting Climatic changes- Forecasting Sustainability- Forecasting Earth (Planet)- Core. Earth (Planet) Moon- Origin. Faults (Geology) Earth sciences. Ocean-atmosphere interaction. Geophysics. Scanning electron microscopy. Structural Geology. Economic Geology. Social change- Forecasting Géophysique. Astrobiology. Geophysics and Environmental Physics. Venus (Planet) Asteroids- Collisions with Earth Aerospace Technology and Astronautics. Geoecology/Natural Processes. Moon- Phases. Biogeochemistry. Eolian processes. Natural resources. Image (Philosophy) Geology, Stratigraphic- Archaean. Twenty-first century- Forecasts Plate tectonics. Crust of the Earth. Mineralogy. Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology. Earth (Planet)- Origin. Comets- Collisions with Earth Engineering. Relaxation phenomena. Earth System Sciences. Poetics. Quantitative Geology. Tomography. Power resources- Forecasting Land use- Forecasting Natural Hazards. Mathematical Applications in the Physical Sciences. Biosphere. Atmospheric chemistry. Physical geography. Popular Science in Astronomy. Nebular hypothesis.
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