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Muchmore-Vokoun, April.

Works: 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
Great essays : = an introduction to writing essays / by: Folse, Keith S.; Muchmore-Vokoun, April.; Solomon, Elena Vestri. (Language materials, printed)
Great paragraphs : = an introduction to writing paragraphs / by: Muchmore-Vokoun, April.; Folse, Keith S.; Solomon, Elena Vestri. (Language materials, printed)
Great writing 2 : = great paragraphs / by: Folse, Keith S.; Muchmore-Vokoun, April.; Solomon, Elena Vestri. (Language materials, printed)
Great writing 4 : = great essays / by: Folse, Keith S.; Muchmore-Vokoun, April.; Solomon, Elena Vestri. (Language materials, printed)
Great sentences for great paragraphs : = an introduction to basic sentences and paragraphs / by: Folse, Keith S.; Muchmore-Vokoun, April.; Muchmore-Vokoun, A.; Solomon, Elena Vestri.; Solomon, E. Vestri. (Language materials, printed)
Great paragraphs / by: Folse, Keith S.; Muchmore-Vokoun, April.; Solomon, Elena Vestri. (Language materials, printed)
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