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Wilder, Billy

Works: 2 works in 12 publications in 1 languages
公寓春光 = The apartment / by: 懷德 ((Wilder, Billy)); 李蒙 ((Lemmon, Jack)); 麥克琳 ((MacLaine, Shirley)演出); Wilder, Billy; Lemmon, Jack; MacLaine, Shirley (Projected and video material)
愛瑪姑娘 = Irma la douce / by: 懷德 ((Wilder, Billy)); 李蒙 ((Lemmon, Jack)); Wilder, Billy; Lemmon, Jack; MacLaine, Shirley; 麥克琳 ((MacLaine, Shirley)) (Projected and video material)
愛瑪姑娘 = Irma la douce / by: 懷德 ((Wilder, Billy)); 李蒙 ((Lemmon, Jack)); Wilder, Billy; MacLaine, Shirley; Lemmon, Jack; 麥克琳 ((MacLaine, Shirley)) (Projected and video material)
黃昏之戀 = Love in the afternoon / by: 古柏 ((Cooper, Gary)); 赫本 ((Hepburn, Audrey)); Wilder, Billy; Cooper, Gary; 懷德 ((Wilder, Billy)); Hepburn, Audrey (Projected and video material)
碧血金沙 = The treasure of the sierra nadre / by: 懷德 ((Wilder, Billy)); 李蒙 ((Lemmon, Jack)); 麥克琳 ((MacLaine, Shirley)演出); Wilder, Billy; Lemmon, Jack; MacLaine, Shirley (Projected and video material)
碧血金沙 = The treasure of the sierra nadre / by: 懷德 ((Wilder, Billy)); 李蒙 ((Lemmon, Jack)); 麥克琳 ((MacLaine, Shirley)演出); Wilder, Billy; Lemmon, Jack; MacLaine, Shirley (Projected and video material)
熱情如火 = Some like it hot / by: 懷德 ((Wilder, Billy)); 李蒙 ((Lemmon, Jack)); 夢露 ((Monroe, Marilyn)); Wilder, Billy; Lemmon, Jack; Monroe, Marilyn; 克茲 ((Curtis, Tony)); Curtis, Tony (Projected and video material)
壯志凌雲 = The Spirit of St. Louis / by: 懷德 ((Wilder, Billy)); 史密斯 ((Smith, Patricia)); 史都華 ((Stewart, James)); 漢彌爾頓 ((Hamilton, Murray)); Wilder, Billy; Hamilton, Murray; Smith, Patricia; Stewart, James (Projected and video material)
公寓春光 = The apartment / by: 李蒙 ((Lemmon, Jack)); 麥克琳 ((MacLaine, Shirley)演出); 懷德 ((Wilder, Billy)); Wilder, Billy; Lemmon, Jack; MacLaine, Shirley (Projected and video material)
龍鳳配 = Sabrina / by: 懷德 ((Wilder, Billy)); 赫本 ((Hepburn, Audrey)); 鮑嘉 ((Bogart, Humphrey)); Wilder, Billy; Hepburn, Audrey; Bogart, Humphrey (Projected and video material)
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