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莫札特 ((Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791))

Works: 5 works in 17 publications in 5 languages
古典經典曲目導聆 / . 第五十三講, . 莫札特.歌劇【後宮誘逃】 by: 劉岠渭 (Sound recordings, nonmusical performance)
費加洛婚禮 = Le nozze di Figaro / by: 貝姆 ((Bohm, Karl)); Prey, Hermann; Bohm, Karl; 維也納愛樂管弦樂團(Wiener Philharmoniker); 卡娜娃 ((Kanawa, Kiri Te)); 普萊 ((Prey, Hermann)); 費雪迪斯考 ((Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich)); Kanawa, Kiri Te; Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich (Projected and video material)
莫札特作品精選 by: Chen, Wen (Sound recordings, musical performance)
海頓 莫扎特 = Haydn Mozart / by: 夏默; 何粹 (Projected and video material)
管弦樂名曲精選 = MOZART Eine Kleine Nachtmusik by: 莫札特 ((Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791)); Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791); Academy of ST. Martin in the fields; 馬利納 ((Marriner, Neville)); Marriner, Neville; 聖馬丁學會管弦樂團 (Sound recordings, musical performance)
古典經典曲目導聆 / . 第二十九講, . 莫札特.歌劇【魔笛】 by: 劉岠渭 (Sound recordings, nonmusical performance)
唐喬凡尼 = Don Giovanni / by: 莫札特 ((Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791)); 布魯克 ((Brook, Peter)); Brook, Peter (Projected and video material)
莫札特 : = 歌劇[費加洛的婚禮] / . DVD 1 by: 莫札特 ((Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791)); 梅塔 ((Mehta, Zubin)); 米勒 ((Miller, Jonathan)); Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791); Miller, Jonathan; Gallo, Lucio; Surian, Giorgio; 佛羅倫斯五月慶典管弦樂團與合唱團; Mehta, Zubin (Projected and video material)
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