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Kotler, Philip

Works: 1 works in 56 publications in 3 languages
行銷管理學 / by: 柯特勒 ((Kotler, Philip)); 方世榮; Kotler, Philip; 凱勒爾 ((Keller, Kevin)); 駱少康; 陳冠樺; Keller, Kevin (Language materials, printed)
柯特勒帶你發現新亞洲 : = 9大策略,行銷到東協 / by: 柯特勒 ((Kotler, Philip)); 東南亞; 許丁宦 ((Huan, Hooi Den)); 陳就學 ((Kartajaya, Hermawan)); 溫瑞芯; Kotler, Philip; Huan, Hooi Den; Kartajaya, Hermawan (Language materials, printed)
行銷學原理 / by: 柯特勒 ((Kotler, Philip)); 阿姆斯特朗 ((Armstrong, Gary)); 方世榮; Kotler, Philip; Armstrong, Gary (Language materials, printed)
Principles of marketing : = an Asian perspective / by: Kotler, Philip; Armstrong, Gary.; Ang, Swee Hoon.; Tan, Chin Tiong.; Yau, Oliver Hon-Ming.; Leong, Siew Meng. (Language materials, printed)
行銷管理 / by: 科特勒 ((Kotler, Philip)); 阿姆斯特朗 ((Armstrong, Gary)); 廖淑伶; Kotler, Philip; Armstrong, Gary (Language materials, printed)
Marketing management / by: 柯特勒 ((Kotler, Philip)); 廖本哲; Kotler, Philip; Keller, Kevin Lane; 凱勒爾 ((Keller, Kevin Lane)) (Language materials, printed)
這就是行銷 : = 科特勒精要 / by: 科特勒 ((Kotler, Philip)); 洪世民; Kotler, Philip (Language materials, printed)
亞洲新未來 / by: 柯特勒 ((Kotler, Philip)); Asia; Asia; 卡塔加亞 ((Kartajaya, Hermawan)); 劉世平; Kotler, Philip; Kartajaya, Hermawan (Language materials, printed)
行銷管理學 / by: 柯特勒 ((Kotler, Philip)); 凱勒爾 ((Kelle Kevin Lane)); 方世榮; 樓永堅; Kotler, Philip; Keller, Kevin Lane (Language materials, printed)
行銷學原理 / by: 阿姆斯壯 ((Armstrong, Gary)); 方世榮; Kotler, Philip; 柯特勒 ((Kotler, Philip)) (Language materials, printed)
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