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Lubin, Arthur

Works: 0 works in 1 publications in 1 languages
歌劇魅影 / by: 魯賓 ((Lubin, Arthur)); 艾迪 ((Eddy, Nelson)); 倫斯 ((Rains, Claude)); Lubin, Arthur; Eddy, Nelson; Foster, Susanna; Rains, Claude; 佛斯特 ((Foster, Susanna)) (Projected and video material)
劇場魅影 = Phantom of the opera / by: Lubin, Arthur; Eddy, Nelson; Foster, Susanna; Rains, Claude (Projected and video material)
阿里巴巴與四十大盜 = Alibaba and the forty thieves / by: 魯賓 ((Lubin, Arthur)); 蒙芝 ((Montez, Maria)); 赫爾 ((Hall, Jon)); Lubin, Arthur; Hall, Jo; Montez, Maria (Projected and video material)
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