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Works: 3 works in 6 publications in 1 languages
如果‧愛 = Perhaps love / by: 陳可辛; 池珍熙; 周迅; 金城武; 張學友; 曾志偉 (Projected and video material)
聽風者 = The silent war / by: 莊文強; 梁朝偉; 周迅; 范曉萱; 麥兆輝 (Projected and video material)
孔子 = Confucius : 決戰春秋 / by: 胡玫; 周迅; 陳建斌; 周潤發 (Projected and video material)
轉生術 = The resurrection : 畫皮 II : painted skin / by: 烏爾善; 周迅; 陳坤; 趙薇 (Projected and video material)
風聲 = The message / by: 高群書; 周迅; 李冰冰; 黃曉明; 張涵予; 蘇有朋; 陳國富 (Projected and video material)
橘子紅了 / by: 李少紅; 縱橫國際公司; 周迅; 寇世勳; 黃磊; 歸亞蕾 (Projected and video material)
李米的猜想 = The equation of love and death / by: 曹保平; 周迅; 鄧超; 王寶強; 張涵予 (Projected and video material)
橘子紅了 / by: 李少紅; 縱橫國際公司; 周迅; 寇世勳; 黃磊; 歸亞蕾 (Projected and video material)
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