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歐容 ((Ozon, Francois))

Works: 1 works in 5 publications in 1 languages
八美圖 / by: 歐容 ((Ozon, Francois)); 丹妮芙 ((Deneuve, Catherine)); 戴喜歐 ((Darrieux, Danielle)); 修伯特 ((Huppert, Sabelle)); 琵雅 (Projected and video material)
5x2愛情賞味期 / by: 歐容 ((Ozon, Francois)); 布諾妮妲姬; 福瑞斯; Ozon, Francois (Projected and video material)
八美圖 = 8 women / by: Deneuve, Catherine; 歐容 ((Ozon, Francois)); 丹妮芙 ((Deneuve, Catherine)); Ozon, Francois (Projected and video material)
池畔謀殺案 = Swimming pool / by: 歐容 ((Ozon, Francois)); 丹斯 ((Dance, Charles)); 莎妮 ((Sagnier, Ludivine)); 蘭普琳 ((Rampling, Charlotte)); Ozon, Francois; Dance, Charles; Rampling, Charlotte; Sagnier, Ludivine (Projected and video material)
逐愛角落 = Le refuge / by: 歐容 ((Ozon, Francois)); 卡蕾 ((Carre, Isabelle)); 史瓦西 ((Choisy, Louis-Ronan)); Ozon, Francois.; Carre, Isabelle.; Choisy, Louis-Ronan. (Projected and video material)
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