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克羅絲 ((Close, Glenn))

Works: 1 works in 4 publications in 1 languages
心靈抉擇 = The ballad of lucy whipple / by: 卡恩 ((Kagan, Jeremy)); 克羅絲 ((Close, Glenn)); Kagan, Jeremy; Close, Glenn (Projected and video material)
天生好手 = = The natural / by: 李文森 ((Levinson, Barry)); 克羅絲 ((Close, Glenn)); 杜瓦 ((Duvall, Robert)); 瑞福 ((Redford, Robert)); Levinson, Barry; Close, Glenn; Duvall, Robert; Redford, Robert (Projected and video material)
新冬之獅 = The lion in winter / by: 岡查洛夫斯基 ((Konchalovsky, Andrei)); 史都華 ((Stewart, Patrick)); 克羅絲 ((Close, Glenn)); Konchalovsky, Andrei; Close, Glenn; Stewart, Patrick (Projected and video material)
致命吸引力 = Fatal attraction / by: 林 ((Lyne, Adrian)); 克羅絲 ((Close, Glenn)); 海契 ((Archer, Anne)); 道格拉斯 ((Douglas, Michael)); Lyne, Adrian; Archer, Anne; Close, Glenn; Douglas, Michael (Projected and video material)
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