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羅素 ((Russell, Kurt))

Works: 1 works in 5 publications in 1 languages
探戈與金錢 = Tango & cash / by: 岡查洛夫斯基 ((Konchalovsky, Andrei)); 史特龍 ((Stallone, Sylvester)); 羅素 ((Russell, Kurt)); Konchalovsky, Andrei; Russell, Kurt; Stallone, Sylvester (Projected and video material)
破曉時刻 = Tequila sunrise / by: 菲佛 ((Freeman, Michelle)); 陶納 ((Towne, Robert)); 吉勃遜 ((Pfeiffer, Mel)); 羅素 ((Russell, Kurt)); Towne, Robert; Freeman, Michelle; Pfeiffer, Mel; Russell, Kurt (Projected and video material)
驚天駭地 = 3000 miles to Graceland / by: 列肯斯坦 ((Lichtenstein, Demian)); 考克斯 ((Cox, Courteney)); 科斯納 ((Costner, Kevin)); 羅素 ((Russell, Kurt)); Lichtenstein, Demian; Cox, Courteney; Russell, Kurt; Costner, Kevin (Projected and video material)
浴火赤子情 = Backdraft / by: 霍華 ((Howard, Ron)); 狄尼洛 ((DeNiro, Robert)); 鮑德溫 ((Baldwin, William)); 羅素 ((Russell, Kurt)); Howard, Ron; Baldwin, William; DeNiro, Robert; Russell, Kurt (Projected and video material)
七四七絕地悍將 = Executive decision / by: 羅素 ((Russell, Kurt)); Berry, Halle; Russell, Kurt; 貝瑞 ((Berry, Halle)); Baird, Stuart; Seagal, Steven; 席格 ((Seagal, Steven)); 布爾德 ((Baird, Stuart)) (Projected and video material)
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