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Bellucci, Monica

Works: 4 works in 5 publications in 2 languages
真愛伴我行 = Malenat / by: 托納多雷 ((Tornatore, Giuseppe)); 貝露琪 ((Bellucci, Monica)); 索法羅 ((Sulfaro, Giuseppe)); Tornatore, Giuseppe; Bellucci, Monica; Sulfaro, Giuseppe (Projected and video material)
懸疑對戰 = Under suspicion / by: Freeman, Morgan; 霍金斯 ((Hopkins, Stephen)); 貝露琪 ((Bellucci, Monica)); Hopkins, Stephen; Bellucci, Monica; Hackman, Gene; 哈克曼 ((Hackman, Gene)); 費里曼 ((Freeman, Morgan)) (Projected and video material)
獵日風暴 = Tears of the sun / by: Bellucci, Monica; Willis, Bruce; 福夸 ((Fuqua, Antoine)); 貝露琪 ((Bellucci, Monica)); 威利 ((Willis, Bruce)); Fuqua, Antoine (Projected and video material)
追密者 = The whistleblower : 失控正義 / by: Bellucci, Monica; Kaas, Nikolaj Lie; Cumberbatch, Benedict; Redgrave, Vanessa; Rattray, Celine; 康達基 ((Kondracki, Larysa)); 考夫曼 ((Kaufman, Amy)); 萊特雷 ((Rattray, Celine)); 卡斯 ((Kaas, Nikolaj Lie)); 康柏拜區 ((Cumberbatch, Benedict)); 懷茲 ((Weisz, Rachel)); Weisz, Rachel; Strathairn, David; 蕾格烈芙 ((Redgrave, Vanessa)); 柯溫 ((Kirwan, Eilis)); Kondracki, Larysa; Kirwan, Eilis; Kaufman, Amy; 史崔森 ((Strathairn, David)); 皮奧瓦珊 ((Piovesan, Christina)); Piovesan, Christina; 貝露琪 ((Bellucci, Monica)) (Projected and video material)
受難記 = The passion Of the Christ : 最後的激情 / by: 貝露琪 ((Bellucci, Monica)); Gibson, Mel; Bellucci, Monica; 吉勃遜 ((Gibson, Mel)); 卡維佐 ((Caviezel, Jim)); Caviezel, Jim (Projected and video material)
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