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唐納 ((Donner, Richard))

Works: 6 works in 9 publications in 1 languages
決戰時空線 = Timeline / by: 唐納 ((Donner, Richard)); 威爾遜 ((Wilson, Lambert)); 沃克 ((Butler, Paul)); 巴特勒 ((Walke, Gerald)); 歐康納 ((O’Connor, Frances)); 康納利 ((Connolly, Billy)); Donner, Richard; Connolly, Billy; Butler, Pau; Walke, Gerald; O’Connor, Frances; Wilson, Lambert (Projected and video material)
致命武器 = Lethal weapon / . IV. ; IV by: 唐納 ((Donner, Richard)); 史佛斯 ((Silver, Joel)); 吉勃遜 ((Gibson, Mel)); 派西 ((Pesci, Joe)); 葛洛佛 ((Glover, Danny)); Donner, Richard; Silver, Joel; Gibson, Mel; Glover, Danny; Pesci, Joe (Projected and video material)
致命武器 = Lethal weapon / by: 唐納 ((Donner, Richard)); 史佛斯 ((Silver, Joel)); 吉勃遜 ((Gibson, Mel)); 派西 ((Pesci, Joe)); 葛洛佛 ((Glover, Danny)); Donner, Richard; Silver, Joel; Gibson, Mel; Glover, Danny; Pesci, Joe (Projected and video material)
超級王牌 = Maverick / by: 唐納 ((Donner, Richard)); 吉勃遜 ((Gibson, Mel)); 葛納 ((Garner, James)); 福斯特 ((Foster, Jodie)); Donner, Richard; Garner, James; Gibson, Mel; Foster, Jodie (Projected and video material)
鷹女 = Ladyhawke / by: 唐納 ((Donner, Richard)); 柏德瑞 ((Broderick, Matthew)); 菲佛 ((Pfeiffer, Michelle)); Donner, Richard; Broderick, Matthew; Pfeiffer, Michelle (Projected and video material)
致命武器 = Lethal weapon / . III. ; III by: 史佛斯 ((Silver, Joel)); 吉勃遜 ((Gibson, Mel)); 派西 ((Pesci, Joe)); 葛洛佛 ((Glover, Danny)); Donner, Richard; Silver, Joel; Gibson, Mel; Glover, Danny; Pesci, Joe; 唐納 ((Donner, Richard)) (Projected and video material)
致命武器 = Lethal weapon / . II. ; II by: 史佛斯 ((Silver, Joel)); 吉勃遜 ((Gibson, Mel)); 派西 ((Pesci, Joe)); 葛洛佛 ((Glover, Danny)); Donner, Richard; Silver, Joel; Gibson, Mel; Glover, Danny; Pesci, Joe; 唐納 ((Donner, Richard)) (Projected and video material)
絕命大反擊 = Conspiracy theory / by: 唐納 ((Donner, Richard)); 蘿勃茲 ((Roberts, Julia)); 吉勃遜 ((Gibson, Mel)); Donner, Richard; Gibson, Mel; Roberts, Julia (Projected and video material)
刺客戰場 = Assassins / by: 唐納 ((Donner, Richard)); 史特龍 ((Stallone, Sylvester)); 班德拉斯 ((Banderas, Antonio)); 摩爾 ((Moore, Julianne)); Donner, Richard; Banderas, Antonio; Moore, Julianne; Stallone, Sylvester (Projected and video material)
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