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Jordan, Neil

Works: 1 works in 8 publications in 3 languages
夜訪吸血鬼 = Interview with the vampire / by: 喬丹 ((Jordan, Neil)); 克魯斯 ((Cruise, Tom)); 彼特 ((Pitt, Brad)); Jordan, Neil; Cruise, Tom; Pitt, Brad (Projected and video material)
夜戀 = Evening / by: 柯泰 ((Koltai, Lajos)); 克蘿絲 ((Close, Glenn)); 丹妮絲 ((Danes, Claire)); 史翠普 ((Streep, Meryl)); 克蕾特 ((Collette, Toni)); 威爾森 ((Wilson, Patrick)); 達西 ((Dancy, Hugh)); Koltai, Lajos; Close, Glenn; Collette, Toni; Danes, Claire; Jordan, Neil; Streep, Meryl; Wilson, Patrick (Projected and video material)
亂世浮生 = The crying game / by: 喬丹 ((Jordan, Neil)); 李察遜(Richardson, Miranda); 雷 ((Rea, Stephen)); Jordan, Neil; Rea, Stephen; Richardson, Miranda (Projected and video material)
長江7號 / by: 周星馳; 柏曼(Berman, Bruce); Berman, Bruce; Jordan, Neil (Projected and video material)
冥王星早餐 = Breakfast on Pluto / by: 喬丹 ((Jordan, Neil)); Jordan, Neil; Neeson, Liam; Rea, Stephen; Murphy, Cillian; Gleeson, Brendan (Projected and video material)
勇敢復仇人 = The brave one / by: 喬丹 ((Jordan, Neil)); 柏曼(Berman, Bruce); Berman, Bruce; Jordan, Neil (Projected and video material)
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