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Works: 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
淨土思詠.法華偈 = Think of homeland.Fa-Hua rhyme / by: 王俊雄; 奕睆 (Sound recordings, musical performance)
黃昏菩提 = Enlightening nightfall / by: 王俊雄; 奕睆 (Sound recordings, musical performance)
無常 = Impermanence verses / by: 王俊雄; 奕睆 (Sound recordings, musical performance)
開經偈 = Opening sutra / by: 王俊雄; 奕睆 (Sound recordings, musical performance)
詩韻偶成 = Phyme in poem / by: 王俊雄; 奕睆; 余光中 (Sound recordings, musical performance)
菩提吟 = Enlightened song / by: 王俊雄; 奕睆 (Sound recordings, musical performance)
平安咒 : = 聽與唱之中,啟動平安的力量 / by: 王尚智; 奕睆 (Sound recordings, musical performance)
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