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凱莉 ((Kelly, Grace))

Works: 1 works in 14 publications in 2 languages
天鵝 = Swan / by: 維多 ((Vidor, Charles)); 堅尼斯 ((Guiness, Alec)); 凱莉 ((Kelly, Grace)); 喬丹 ((Jourdan, Louis)); Vidor, Charles; Guiness, Alec; Jourdan, Louis; Kelly, Grace (Projected and video material)
上流社會 = High society / by: 華特斯 ((Walters, Troy)); 辛納屈 ((Sinatra, Frank)); 凱莉 ((Kelly, Grace)); 勞斯貝 ((Crosby, Bing)); Walters, Charles; Crosby, Bing; Kelly, Grace; Sinatra, Frank (Projected and video material)
電話情殺案 = Dial m for murder / by: 希區考克 ((Hitchcock, Alfred Joseph, 1899-1980)); 米蘭 ((Milland, Ray)); 康敏思 ((Cummings, Robert)); 凱莉 ((Kelly, Grace)); Hitchcock, Alfred Joseph (1899-1980); Cummings, Robert; Kelly, Grace; Milland, Ray (Projected and video material)
紅塵 = Mogambo / by: 福特 ((Ford, John)); 凱莉 ((Kelly, Grace)); 嘉娜 ((Gardner, Ava)); 蓋博 ((Gable, Clark)); Ford, John; Gable, Clark; Gardner, Ava; Kelly, Grace (Projected and video material)
天鵝公主 = The swan / by: 維多 ((Vidor, Charles)); 堅尼斯 ((Guiness, Alec)); 凱莉 ((Kelly, Grace)); 喬丹 ((Jourdan, Louis)); Vidor, Charles; Guiness, Alec; Jourdan, Louis; Kelly, Grace (Projected and video material)
日正當中 = = High Noon / by: 辛尼曼 ((Zinneman, Fred)); 古柏 ((Cooper, Gary)); 凱莉 ((Kelly, Grace)); Zinneman, Fred; Cooper, Gary; Kelly, Grace (Projected and video material)
後窗 = Rear window / by: 希區考克 ((Hitchcock, Alfred Joseph, 1899-1980)); 史都華 ((Stewart, James)); 凱莉 ((Kelly, Grace)); Hitchcock, Alfred Joseph (1899-1980); Kelly, Grace; Stewart, James (Projected and video material)
後窗 = Rear window / by: 希區考克 ((Hitchcock, Alfred Joseph, 1899-1980)); 史都華 ((Stewart, James)); 凱莉 ((Kelly, Grace)); Hitchcock, Alfred Joseph (1899-1980); Kelly, Grace; Stewart, James (Projected and video material)
電話情殺案 = Dial m for murder / by: 希區考克 ((Hitchcock, Alfred Joseph, 1899-1980)); 米蘭 ((Milland, Ray)); 康敏思 ((Cummings, Robert)); 凱莉 ((Kelly, Grace)); Hitchcock, Alfred Joseph (1899-1980); Cummings, Robert; Kelly, Grace; Milland, Ray (Projected and video material)
獨孤里橋之役 = The bridges at Toko-Ri / by: 羅伯森 ((Robson, Mark)); 凱莉 ((Kelly, Grace)); 荷頓 ((Holden, William)); Robson, Mark; Holden, William; Kelly, Grace (Projected and video material)
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