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尼克遜 ((Nicholson, Jack))

Works: 1 works in 7 publications in 1 languages
心的方向 = About Schmidt / by: 潘恩 ((Payne, Alexander)); 尼克遜 ((Nicholson, Jack)); 貝茲 ((Bates, Kathy)); 麥隆尼 ((Mulroney, Dermot)); Payne, Alexander; Bates, Kathy; Mulroney, Dermot; Nicholson, Jack (Projected and video material)
愛你在心眼難開 = Something's gotta give / by: 尼克遜 ((Nicholson, Jack)); 李維 ((Reeves, Keanu)); 麥爾斯 ((Meyers, Nancy)); Meyers, Nancy; Keaton, Diane; Nicholson, Jac; Reeves, Keanu; 基頓 ((Keaton, Diane)) (Projected and video material)
郵差總按兩次鈴 = The postman always rings twice / by: 拉弗森 ((Rafelson, Bob)); 尼克遜 ((Nicholson, Jack)); 蘭芝 ((Lange, Jessica)); Rafelson, Bob; Nicholson, Jack; Lange, Jessica (Projected and video material)
飛越杜鵑窩 = One flew over the cuckoo's nest / by: 佛曼 ((Forman, Milos)); 尼克遜 ((Nicholson, Jack)); Forman, Milos; Nicholson, Jack (Projected and video material)
神鬼無間 = The Departed / by: 尼克遜 ((Nicholson, Jack)); 戴蒙 ((Damon, Matt)); Scorsese, Martin; Damon, Matt; Nicholson, Jack; Dicaprio, Leonardo; 史柯西斯 ((Scorsese, Martin)); 狄卡皮歐 ((Dicaprio, Leonardo)) (Projected and video material)
軍官與魔鬼 = A few good man / by: 雷納 ((Reiner, Rob)); 尼克遜 ((Nicholson, Jack)); 克魯斯 ((Cruise, Tom)); Reiner, Rob; Cruise, Tom; Nicholson, Jack; 摩兒 ((Moore, Demi)); Moore, Demi (Projected and video material)
抓狂管訓班 = Anger management / by: 西格 ((Segal, Peter)); 山德勒 ((Sandler, Adam)); 尼克遜 ((Nicholson, Jack)); 托梅 ((Tomei, Marisa)); Segal, Petter; Nicholson, Jack; Sandler, Adam; Tomei, Marisa (Projected and video material)
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