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阿莫多瓦 ((Almodovar, Pedro))

Works: 1 works in 7 publications in 1 languages
瀕臨崩潰邊緣的女人 = Women on the verge of a nervous breakdown / by: 阿莫多瓦 ((Almodovar, Pedro)); Banderas, Antonio.; 莫拉 ((Maura, Carmen)); Maura, Carmen.; Almodovar, Pedro.; 班德拉斯 ((Banderas, Antonio)) (Projected and video material)
壞教慾 = Bad education = La mala education / by: 阿莫多瓦 ((Almodovar, Pedro)); 吉曼奈茲卡丘 ((Gimenez Cacho, Daniel)); 伯伊拉 ((Boira, Francisco)); 阿莫多瓦 ((Almodovar, Agustin)); 馬提涅茲 ((Martinez, Fele)); 賈西亞 ((Garcia, Gael)); 霍馬 ((Homar, Lluis)); Almodovar, Pedro; Almodovar, Agustin; Boira, Francisco; Garcia, Gael; Gimenez Cacho, Daniel; Homar, Lluis; Martinez, Fele; Producciones El Deseo; Studio Canal+; Television Espanola (Projected and video material)
慾望法則 = Law of desire / by: 阿莫多瓦 ((Almodovar, Pedro)); Poncela, Eusebio.; Maura, Carmen.; 彭塞拉 ((Poncela, Eusebio)); 莫拉 ((Maura, Carmen)); Almodovar, Pedro. (Projected and video material)
玩美女人 = Volver / by: 阿莫多瓦 ((Almodovar, Pedro)); Almodovar, Pedro; 克魯茲 ((Cruz, Penelope)); 杜納斯 ((Duenas, Lola)); Duenas, Lola; 莫哈 ((Maura, Carmen)); Maura, Carmen; Cruz, Penelope (Projected and video material)
顫抖的慾望 = Live flesh / by: 阿莫多瓦 ((Almodovar, Pedro)) (Projected and video material)
悄悄告訴她 = Talk to her / by: 阿莫多瓦 ((Almodovar, Pedro)); 卡馬拉 ((Camara, Javr)); Camara, Javr (Projected and video material)
窗邊上的玫瑰 = The flower of my secret / by: 阿莫多瓦 ((Almodovar, Pedro)); 巴哈迪絲 ((Baez, Paredes)); Almodovar, Pedro; Baez, Paredes (Projected and video material)
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