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古柏 ((Cooper, Gary))

Works: 1 works in 9 publications in 2 languages
黃金蓬車大作戰 = Vera cruz / by: 古柏 ((Cooper, Gary)); 蘭卡斯特 ((Lancaster, Burt)); Aldrich, Robert; Cooper, Gary; Lancaster, Burt; 艾得立屈 ((Aldrich, Robert)) (Projected and video material)
威震群雄 = They came to cordura / by: 古柏 ((Cooper, Gary)); 海華絲 ((Hayworth, Rita)); Cooper, Gary; Hayworth, Rita; Rossen, Robert; 羅森 ((Rossen, Robert)) (Projected and video material)
黃昏之戀 = Love in the afternoon / by: 古柏 ((Cooper, Gary)); 赫本 ((Hepburn, Audrey)); Wilder, Billy; Cooper, Gary; Hepburn, Audrey; 懷德 ((Wilder, Billy)) (Projected and video material)
日正當中 = = High Noon / by: 辛尼曼 ((Zinneman, Fred)); 古柏 ((Cooper, Gary)); 凱莉 ((Kelly, Grace)); Zinneman, Fred; Cooper, Gary; Kelly, Grace (Projected and video material)
日正當中 = High Noon / by: 辛尼曼 ((Zinneman, Fred)); 古柏 ((Cooper, Gary)); 凱莉 ((Kelly, Grace)); Zinneman, Fred; Cooper, Gary; Kelly, Grace (Projected and video material)
黃金蓬車大作戰 = Vera cruz / by: 艾得立屈 ((Aldrich, Robert)); 古柏 ((Cooper, Gary)); 蘭卡斯特 ((Lancaster, Burt)); Aldrich, Robert; Cooper, Gary; Lancaster, Burt (Projected and video material)
黃昏之戀 = Love in the afternoon / by: 懷德 ((Wilder, Billy)); 古柏 ((Cooper, Gary)); 赫本 ((Hepburn, Audrey)); Wilder, Billy; Cooper, Gary; Hepburn, Audrey (Projected and video material)
日正當中 = High Noon / by: 辛尼曼 ((Zinneman, Fred)); 古柏 ((Cooper, Gary)); 凱莉 ((Kelly, Grace)); Zinneman, Fred; Cooper, Gary; Kelly, Grace (Projected and video material)
戰地鐘聲 = For whom the bell tolls / by: 伍德 ((Wood, Sam)); 古柏 ((Cooper, Gary)); 褒曼 ((Bergman, Ingrid)); Wood, Sam; Bergman, Ingrid; Cooper, Gary (Projected and video material)
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