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諾伊斯 ((Noyce, Phillip))

Works: 1 works in 7 publications in 4 languages
航越地平線 = Dead calm / by: 諾伊斯 ((Noyce, Phillip)); 尼爾 ((Neill, Sam)); 基嫚 ((Kidman, Nicole)); 贊恩 ((Zane, Billy)); Noyce, Phillip; Kidman, Nicole; Neill, Sam; Zane, Billy (Projected and video material)
沉靜的美國人 = The quiet American / by: 諾伊斯 ((Noyce, Phillip)); 肯恩 ((Caine, Micheal)); Noyce, Phillip; Caine, Micheal; 費雪 ((Fraser, Brendan)); Fraser, Brendan (Projected and video material)
特務間諜 = Salt / by: 諾伊斯 ((Noyce, Phillip)); 裘莉 ((Jolie, Angelina)); 薛伯 ((Schreiber, Liev)); Noyce, Phillip.; Jolie, Angelina.; Schreiber, Liev. (Projected and video material)
迫切的危機 = Clear and present danger / by: Jones, James Earl; 諾伊斯 ((Noyce, Phillip)); 達福 ((Dafoe, Willem)); 福特 ((Ford, Harrison)); Noyce, Phillip; Dafoe, Willem; Ford, Harrison; 瓊斯 ((Jones, James Earl)) (Projected and video material)
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