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Works: 6 works in 17 publications in 1 languages
賣掉下來的蘋果 = = Today is the first day of the rest of my life / by: 箱田忠昭; 郭欣怡 (Language materials, printed)
超簡單剪紙課 : = 剪出幸福感的生活小物 / by: くまだまり; 郭欣怡 (Language materials, printed)
完全命中TOEIC多益文法 / by: 郭欣怡; 河上源一 (Language materials, printed)
中高年人培育幸福大腦的9種能力 / by: 郭欣怡; 森惟明 (Language materials, printed)
連醫生都想知道的健康智慧300 / by: 中原英臣; 郭欣怡 (Language materials, printed)
V型人生的失敗成功學 / by: 郭欣怡; 堀之內九一郎 (Language materials, printed)
用螢光筆學英文! : = 只要17天馬上消除對英語的恐懼! / by: 郭欣怡; 神戶康弘 (Language materials, printed)
晨間日記の奇蹟 = = The miracle with a daybreak diary / by: 佐藤傳; 郭欣怡 (Language materials, printed)
1塊錢變黃金 : = 只要1塊錢的圓夢計劃 / by: 佐藤傳; 郭欣怡 (Language materials, printed)
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