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Assayas, Olivier

Works: 1 works in 5 publications in 1 languages
夏日時光 = Summer hours / by: 阿薩亞斯 ((Assayas, Olivier)); 畢諾許 ((Binoch, Juliette)); 貝林 ((Berling, Charles)); 何涅 ((Renier, Jeremie)); Assayas, Olivier; Binoch; Berling, Charles; Renier, Jeremie (Projected and video material)
感傷的宿命 = Les destinees sentimentales / by: 阿薩亞斯 ((Assayas, Olivier)); 琵雅 ((Beart,Emmanuelle) ); 貝林 ((Berling, Charles)); 雨蓓 ((Huppert, Isabelle)); Assayas, Olivier; Beart, Emmanuelle; Berling, Charles; Huppert, Isabelle (Projected and video material)
非.虛構情事 = Non-fiction / by: 阿薩亞斯 ((Assayas, Olivier)); Assayas, Olivier; 畢諾許 ((Binoche, Juliette)); Binoche, Juliette; 卡列 ((Canet, Guillaume)); Canet, Guillaume; 馬格恩 ((Macaigne, Vincent)); Macaigne, Vincent (Projected and video material)
我的愛情遺忘在秋天 = Fin aout, debut septembre = Late August, early September / by: 拉朵嫣 ((Ledoyen, Virgine)); 阿瑪希克 ((Amalric, Mathieu)); 阿薩亞斯 ((Assayas, Olivier)); Assayas, Olivier; Amalric, Mathieu; Ledoyen, Virgine (Projected and video material)
錯的多美麗 = Clean / by: 阿薩亞斯 ((Assayas, Olivier)); 張曼玉; 諾特 ((Nolte, Nick)); Assayas, Olivier; Gedeck, Martina; Nolte, Nick (Projected and video material)
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