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戴蒙 ((Damon, Matt))

Works: 1 works in 21 publications in 6 languages
神鬼剋星 = The brothers grimm / by: 吉連 ((Gilliam, Terry)導演); 希斯萊傑 ((Ledger, Heath)); 貝露琪 ((Bellucci, Monica)); 戴蒙 ((Damon, Matt)) (Projected and video material)
打不倒的勇者 = Invictus / by: 伊斯威特 ((Eastwood, Clint)); 費里曼 ((Freeman, Morgan)); 戴蒙 ((Damon, Matt)); Eastwood, Clint; Freeman, Morgan; Damon, Matt (Projected and video material)
瞞天過海 = Ocean's thirteen : 13王牌 / by: Damon, Matt.; 索德柏 ((Soderbergh, Steven)); 克隆尼 ((Clooney, George)); 戴蒙 ((Damon, Matt)); Clooney, George.; Pitt, Brad.; 彼特 ((Pitt, Brad)); 帕西諾 ((Pacino, Al)); Pacino, Al.; Soderbergh, Steven. (Projected and video material)
縮小人生 : = Downsizing / by: 潘恩 ((Payne, Alexander)); 戴蒙 ((Damon, Matt)); 沃茲 ((Waltz, Christoph)); 薇格 ((Wiig, Kristen)) (Projected and video material)
神鬼認證 = Bourne Identity / by: 李曼 ((Liman, Doug)); 波登特 ((Potente, Franka)); 戴蒙 ((Damon, Matt)) (Projected and video material)
瞞天過海2 = Ocean's Twelve : 長驅直入 / by: 索德柏 ((Soderbergh, Steven)); 克隆尼 ((Clooney, George)); 彼特 ((Pitt, Brad)); 賈西亞 ((Garcia, Andy)); 戴蒙 ((Damon, Matt)); 羅勃茲 ((Roberts, Julia)); Soderbergh, Steven; Clooney, George; Damon, Matt; Garcia, Andy; 影傑 (Projected and video material)
真實的勇氣 = True Grit / by: 柯恩 ((Coen, Joel)); 柯恩 ((Coen, Ethan)); 布里吉 ((Bridges, Jeff)); 戴蒙 ((Damon, Matt)); 布洛林 ((Brolin, Josh)); Coen, Joel ; Coen, Ethan ; Bridges, Jeff ; Damon, Matt ; Brolin, Josh (Projected and video material)
生死接觸 = Hereafter / by: 肯尼迪 ((Kennedy, Kathleen)); 勞倫茲 ((Lorenz, Robert)); 摩根 ((Morgan, Peter)); 戴蒙 ((Damon, Matt)); 法蘭西 ((France, Cecile de)); Eastwood, Clint; France, Cecile de; Kennedy, Kathleen; Lorenz, Robert; Morgan, Peter; Damon, Matt; 伊斯威特 ((Eastwood, Clint)) (Projected and video material)
我們買了動物園 = We bought a zoo / by: 克羅 ((Crowe, Cameron)); 戴蒙 ((Damon, Matt)); 喬韓森 ((Johansson, Scarlett)); 芬妮(Fanning, Elle); Crowe, Cameron; Damon, Matt; Johansson, Scarlett; Fanning, Elle (Projected and video material)
神鬼無間 = The departed / by: 狄卡皮歐 ((DiCaprio, Leonardo)); 戴蒙 ((Damon, Matt)); 尼柯遜 ((Nicholson, Jack)); 莫納漢 ((Monahan, William)); 葛瑞 ((Grey, Brad)); Monahan, William; Grey, Brad; King, Graham; Pitt, Brad; Damon, Matt; Nicholson, Jack; 皮特 ((Pitt, Brad)); 史柯西斯 ((Scorsese, Martin)); 金恩 ((King, Graham)); Scorsese, Martin; DiCaprio, Leonardo (Projected and video material)
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