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Works: 1 works in 7 publications in 1 languages
三十拉警報 = Over time / by: 武內英樹; 永山耕三; 羽住英一郎; 反町隆史; 江角真紀子 (Projected and video material)
海猿 = Umizaru. 4 : brave hearts : 終極救援 / by: 羽住英一郎 (Projected and video material)
特警7人組 = Wild seven / by: 羽住英一郎; 深澤正樹; 望月三起也; 羽住英一郎; 瑛太; 深田恭子; 椎名桔平; 丸山隆平; 中井貴一; 阿部力 (Projected and video material)
巨乳排球 = Oppai Volleyball : 熱血校隊的決賽心願 / by: 羽住英一郎 (Projected and video material)
海猿最終話 = The last message / by: 羽住英一郎 (Projected and video material)
海猿二部曲 = UMIZARU 2:Trust of Test : 即刻救援 / by: 羽住英一郎; 伊藤英明; 加藤愛; 伊藤隆太 (Projected and video material)
海猿首部曲 = UMIZARU : 夢想起航 / by: 羽住英一郎; 伊藤淳史; 加藤愛; 伊藤英明 (Projected and video material)
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