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奧提塔 ((Arteta, Miguel))

Works: 1 works in 6 publications in 4 languages
宅男卡卡 = Youth in revolt / by: 奧提塔 ((Arteta, Miguel)); 奈希 ((Nash, Gustin)); 隆 ((Long, Justin)); 黛伯德 ((Doubleday, Portia)); Arteta, Miguel; Nash, Gustin; Long, Justin; Doubleday, Portia; Cera, Michael; 塞拉 ((Cera, Michael)) (Projected and video material)
大假一場 = Cedar rapids / by: 泰勒 ((Taylor, Jim)); 強斯頓 ((Johnston, Phil)); Arteta, Miguel; Johnston, Phil; Burke, Jim; Payne, Alexander; Taylor, Jim; Helms, ED; 海契 ((Heche, Anne)); Reilly, John C.; Heche, Anne; 奧提塔 ((Arteta, Miguel)); 布爾克 ((Burke, Jim)); 佩恩 ((Payne, Alexander)); 赫姆斯 ((Helms, ED)); 萊里 ((Reilly, John C.)) (Projected and video material)
麥田捕手的女孩 = The Good Girl / by: 奧提塔 ((Arteta, Miguel)); 安妮斯頓 ((Aniston, Jennifer)); 萊里 ((Reilly, John C.)); 葛倫霍 ((Gyllenhaal, Jake)); Arteta, Miguel; Aniston, Jennifer; Gyllenhaal, Jake; Reilly, John C. (Projected and video material)
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