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Works: 1 works in 7 publications in 1 languages
劉天華記憶與研究集成 / by: 閔惠芬; 方立平 (Language materials, printed)
吊車尾留英記 : = 改變生命之旅 / by: 黃鴻程 (Language materials, printed)
Canon EOS 60D潛能無限 / by: 楊格 ((Young, Nicole S.)); Lee, Una; Lin, Popo; 米莉Milly; Young, Nicole S. (Language materials, printed)
綠蛋裡的小恐龍 = Greenish eggs and dinosaurs / by: 葛林寶 ((Greenburg, Dan)); 米莉Milly; Greenburg, Dan; Shulman, Ken (Sound recordings, nonmusical performance)
賈伯斯憑什麼領導世界 / by: 艾略特 ((Elliot, Jay)); 美國; 陳信宏; Elliot, Jay; Simon, William L.; 賽蒙 ((Simon, William L.)); 蘋果電腦公司(Apple Computer, Inc.) (Language materials, printed)
胖女王別擠我 = The body's not big enough for both of us / by: 葛林寶 ((Greenburg, Dan)); 米莉Milly; Greenburg, Dan; Shulman, Ken (Sound recordings, nonmusical performance)
馬偕日記 / by: Mackay, George Leslie; 北部台灣基督長老教會史蹟委員會; 偕叡理 ((Mackay, George Leslie)); 北部台灣基督長老教會大會 (Language materials, printed)
吸血鬼伯爵 = Don't count on dracula / by: 葛林寶 ((Greenburg, Dan)); 米莉Milly; Greenburg, Dan; Shulman, Ken (Sound recordings, nonmusical performance)
繪事發微 / by: 唐岱; 周遠斌 (Language materials, printed)
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