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薇佛 ((Weaver, Sigourney))

Works: 1 works in 7 publications in 2 languages
冰風暴 = The ice storm / by: 艾倫 ((Allen, Joan)); 克萊 ((Kline, Kevin)); 薇佛 ((Weaver, Sigourney)); 李安 (Projected and video material)
冰風暴 = Ice storm / by: 李安; 薇佛 ((Weaver, Sigourney)); 克萊 ((Kline, Kevin)); 愛倫 ((Allen, Joan)); 麥奎爾 ((Maguire, Tobey)); 伍德 ((Wood, Elijah)); 蕾茜 ((Ricci, Christina)); Weaver, Sigourney; Kline, Kevin; Maguire, Tobey; Wood, Elijah; Ricci, Christina; Allen, Joan (Projected and video material)
為巴比祈禱 = Prayers for Bobby / by: 梅卡尼 ((Mulcahy, Russell)); 薇佛 ((Weaver, Sigourney)); Mulcahy, Russell; Weaver, Sigourney; 凱利 ((Kelley, Ryan)); Kelley, Ryan (Projected and video material)
阿凡達 = Avatar / by: 柯麥隆 ((Cameron, James)); 沃辛頓 ((Worthngton, Sam)); 薇佛 ((Weaver, Sigourney)); Cameron, James; Worthngton, Sam; 科麥隆 ((Cameron, James)); Weaver, Sigourney (Projected and video material)
阿凡達 = Avatar extended special edition : 加長特別版 / by: 柯麥隆 ((Cameron, James)); 薇佛 ((Weaver, Sigourney)); 雷比西 ((Ribisi, Giovanni)); Cameron, James.; 沃辛頓 ((Worthington, Sam)); Worthington, Sam.; Weaver, Sigourney.; Ribisi, Giovanni. (Projected and video material)
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