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法蘭科 ((Franco, James))

Works: 2 works in 18 publications in 5 languages
我的直男前男友 = I am Michael / by: 凱利 ((Kelly, Justin)); Kelly, Justin; 法蘭科 ((Franco, James)); Franco, James; 恩杜 ((Quinto, Zachary)); Quinto, Zachary; Roberts, Emm; 羅勃茲 ((Roberts, Emma)) (Projected and video material)
非關英雄 = Finishing the game / by: 林詣彬; 法蘭科 ((Franco, James)); 范 ((Fan, Roger)); Franco|bJames; Fan|bRoger (Projected and video material)
蜘蛛人3 = Spider-Man 3 / by: 法蘭科 ((Franco, James)); 鄧絲特 ((Dunst, Kirsten)); 雷米 ((Raimi, Sam)); 麥奎爾 ((Maguire, Tobey)); Raimi, Sam; Franco, James; Dunst, Kirsten; Maguire, Tobey (Projected and video material)
127小時 = 127 Hours / by: Franco, James ; Boyle, Danny ; 鮑伊 ((Boyle, Danny)); 法蘭科 ((Franco, James)) (Projected and video material)
惱爸偏頭痛 : = Why him? / by: 漢柏格 ((Hamburg, John)); 法蘭科 ((Franco, James)); 克萊斯頓 ((Cranston, Bryan)); 道區 ((Deutch, Zoey)) (Projected and video material)
奧茲大帝 = Oz : the great and powerful / by: 萊米 ((Raimi, Sam)); 庫妮絲 ((Kunis, Mila)); 法蘭科 ((Franco, James)); 懷茲 ((Weisz, Rachel)); Raimi, Sam; Kunis, Mila; Franco, James; Weisz, Rachel (Projected and video material)
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