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費雪 ((Fraser, Brendan))

Works: 1 works in 8 publications in 4 languages
神鬼行動 = Stand off / by: 喬治 ((George, Terry)); George, Terry; 費雪 ((Fraser, Brendan)); Fraser, Brendan; 明尼 ((Meaney, Colm)); Meaney, Colm; 達克斯塔 ((DaCosta, Yaya)); DaCosta, Yaya (Projected and video material)
墨水心 = Inkheart / by: 索佛利 ((Softley, Iain)); 費雪 ((Fraser, Brendan)); 貝特尼 ((Bettany, Paul)); 米蘭 ((Mirren, Helen)); 瑟克斯 ((Serkis, Andy)); Softley, Iain; Fraser, Brendan; Bettany, Paul; Mirren, Helen; Serkis, Andy (Projected and video material)
愛的代價 = Extraordinary measures / by: 馮恩 ((Vaughan, Tom)); 福特 ((Ford, Harrison)); 費雪 ((Fraser, Brendan)); Vaughan, Tom; Ford, Harrison; Fraser, Brendan (Projected and video material)
特種部隊 = G.I.Joe : 眼鏡蛇的崛起 : 白幽靈限量版 : the rise of cobra / by: 桑莫斯 ((Sommers, Stephen)); 高德那 ((Goldner, Brian)); 杜克塞 ((Ducsay, Bob)); 彼得 ((Beattie, Stuart)); 艾列特 ((Elliot, David)); 洛斐特 ((Lovett, Paul)); 費雪 ((Fraser, Brendan)); 奎德 ((Quaid, Dennis)); 米勒 ((Miller, Sienna)); 李秉憲; 龐納文杜拉 ((Bonaventura, Lorenzo di)); Sommers, Stephen; Quaid, Dennis; Beattie, Stuart; Elliot, David; Lovett, Paul; Fraser, Brendan; Bonaventura, Lorenzo di; Goldner, Brian; Ducsay, Bob; Miller, Sienna (Projected and video material)
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