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Works: 1 works in 17 publications in 1 languages
反覆式之影像縮放技術 = = Iterative Retargeting of Images / by: 王嘉豐; 江政欽; Wang, Chia-Feng; Chiang, Cheng-Chin (Language materials, printed)
場景深度圖半自動產生系統之研製 = = Design of a Semi-automatic Depth Estimation System for Scenery Images / by: 黃彥碩; 江政欽; Huang, Yen-Shuo; Chiang, Cheng-Chin (Language materials, printed)
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動態時軸扭曲 雙向循環神經網路 Neural Network 深度學習 Gesture recognition cohn-kanade convolution neural network 擴增現實 Panorama Image Retrieval 外匯資金 機器學習 Content customization K 最近鄰居辨識 編輯距離 主觀式外觀模型 語音識別 數字辨識 deep learning 傳統紋理特徵 度量學習 Leather Texture Retrieval Texture Recognition 外匯交易 Forex 情緒辭典 English learning Web page editing system Speech Synthesis 部位專注 fine-grained image classification Medication Recognition 自然語言處理 text classification 最短路徑搜尋 人機互動介面 光流法 Optical flow 基於標記的擴增實境 內容定製 Augmented Reality Agile Production System 圖片檢索 Edge Detection Convolutional Neural Network 注意力機制 情緒分析 Attention Mechanism Sentiment Lexicon 內容訂製 Augmented reality Mobile augmented reality image feature extraction 藥物偵測 YOLO Natural language processing 中文字填補修復 文字辨識 三維重建 智慧型居家空間 卷積神經網路 Deep learning Convolution Neural Network Fast R-CNN 最近鄰居 Nearest Neighbor 整體學習法 唇語辨識 行動式擴增實境 敏捷生成系統 AR content customization 皮革檢索 Conditional Variational AutoEncoder (CVAE) 移動平均線 Machine Learning 擴增實境 Agile generation system 語音合成 web crawlers 字串比對 Handwritten Numeral Recognition Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network 手寫辨識 人機互動 Facial expression recognition Convolution neural network lip-language recognition 邊緣檢測 Traditional Texture Features 紋理識別 價格趨勢預測 細粒度影像分類 part attention 變分自動編碼器 generative models 讀唇術 軌跡分斷 直方圖投影 Data amplification 關節點估測 Mobile Augmented Reality 條件式變分自編碼器 Triplet Loss Sentiment Analysis 英語學習 Human-Computer Interaction 影像特徵提取 DenseNet 分解式雙線性仲裁網路 Medication Detection 類神經網路 手勢辨識 資料擴增 表情辨識 optical flow Hand Joint Positions Estimation holistic learning method 環場全景 三元損失 聚類分析 Cluster Analysis Moving Average Price trend prediction Marker-based augmented reality 影像分割 藥物辨識 Decomposed Bilenear Layer Arbitration Network 文字分類 variational autoencoder 指向系統 Digit Recognition Histogram of vertical projection Human-computer interaction 隨機森林 Convolution Neural Network (CNN) Random forests Marker-based Augmented Reality Metric Learning Foreign Exchange 網頁編輯系統 語音轉換 Speech Transfer image segmentation Deep Learning 網路爬蟲 熱門度預測 popularity prediction
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