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威爾森 ((Wilson, Owen))

Works: 1 works in 15 publications in 4 languages
年度鳥事 = The big year / by: 法蘭科 ((Frankel, David)); 威爾森 ((Wilson, Owen)); 布萊克 ((Black, Jack)); 馬丁 ((Martin, Steve)); Frankel, David.; Wilson, Owen.; Black, Jack.; Martin, Steve. (Projected and video material)
性本惡 = Inherent vice / by: 安德森 ((Anderson, Paul Thomas)); 菲尼斯 ((Phoenix, Joaquin)); 布洛林 ((Brolin, Josh)); 威爾森 ((Wilson, Owen)); Anderson, Paul Thomas.; Phoenix, Joaquin.; Brolin, Josh.; Wilson, Owen. (Projected and video material)
娶我吧! = Marry me / by: 寇伊若 ((Coiro, Kat)); Coiro, Kat; 羅培茲 ((Lopez, Jennifer)); Lopez, Jennifer; 威爾森 ((Wilson, Owen)); Wilson, Owen; 馬盧瑪 ((Maluma)); Maluma (Projected and video material)
午夜.巴黎 = Midnight in Paris / by: 艾倫 ((Allen, Woody)); 威爾森 ((Wilson, Owen)); 麥亞當斯 ((McAdams, Rachel)); 辛 ((Sheen, Michael)); Allen, Woody; Wilson, Owen; McAdams, Rachel; Sheen, Michael (Projected and video material)
實習大叔 = The internship / by: Wilson, Owen.; Vaughn, Vince.; 李維 ((Levy, Shawn)); 威爾森 ((Wilson, Owen)); 范恩 ((Vaughn, Vince)); Levy, Shawn. (Projected and video material)
馬利與我 = Marley and me / by: 法蘭科 ((Frankel, David)); 魯斯 ((Roos, Don)); FrankScott; 威爾森 ((Wilson, Owen)); 安妮斯頓 ((Aniston, Jennifer)); 阿金 ((Arkin, Alan)); 丹恩 ((Dane, Eric)); Frankel, David.; Roos, Don; Wilson, Owen; Aniston, Jennifer; Arkin, Alan; Dane, Eric (Projected and video material)
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