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Works: 2 works in 9 publications in 1 languages
聖誕玫瑰 = Christmas rose / by: 楊采妮; 郭富城; 桂綸鎂; 秦海璐; 夏雨; 張震 (Projected and video material)
最愛 = Love for life / by: 顧長衛; 楊薇薇; 陳小東; 楊濤; 杜可風; 左小祖咒; 郭富城; 章子怡; 蔣雯麗; 濮存昕; 言老施 (Projected and video material)
父子 = After this our exile / by: 譚家明; 介格爾 ((Geiger, Robert Ellis)); 李屏賓; 郭富城; 楊采妮; 吳景滔; 林熙腡; 秦海璐; 許茹芸; 徐天佑; 田開良; 邱瓈寬; Geiger, Robert Ellis (Projected and video material)
全城戒備 = City under siege / by: 陳木勝; 舒淇; 張靜初; 鄒兆龍; 吳京; 郭富城 (Projected and video material)
寒戰 = Cold war / by: 梁樂民; 陸劍靑; 楊采妮; 劉德華; 彭于晏; 梁家輝; 郭富城; 李治廷 (Projected and video material)
風雲 II = The storm warriors / by: 彭氏兄弟; 郭富城; 鄭伊健; 蔡卓妍; 謝霆鋒; 任達華 (Projected and video material)
西遊記之孫悟空三打白骨精. = The monkey king 2 / by: 鞏俐; 郭富城; 鄭保瑞; 馮紹峰 (Projected and video material)
全球熱戀 = Love in space / by: 夏永康; 陳國輝; 黃嘉莉; 王中磊; 陳果; 王中軍; 吳天海; 劉若英; 楊穎; 桂綸鎂; 井柏然; 陳奕迅; 徐帆; 郭富城 (Projected and video material)
斷網 = Cyberheist / by: 郭富城; 黃慶勳; 任達華; 林家棟 (Projected and video material)
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