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Works: 7 works in 34 publications in 2 languages
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專業承諾 國中原住民族學生 霸凌現況 霸凌行為 學校氣氛 個人背景 Hwalien County Elementary Schools Internal Quality Assurance 樂觀 multicultural education motivation for learning successful key factors career lattice public elementary school 信任 學業強調 Junior high school 多重個案研究、校務治理 品質保證體系 Support Systems 自主學習 Reading Education Policy 含糖飲料 elementary school children 國中專任輔導教師 學校評價 policy health promotion program 國中 Professional commitment. 真誠領導 國民中學校長 人格特質 parenting style school atmosphere Technical and Vocational Education and Training 弱勢 indigenous language education 公立幼兒園 學生學業樂觀 教師專業學習社群 運動校隊 幼兒園教師 閱讀教育 國小高年級學童 junior high school counselor 階層迴歸分析 effectiveness evaluation 偏鄉小校 生涯輔導 administrators in elementary schools External Quality Assurance 國民中學教師 經營策略 management strategy gender 大學生 Remedial teaching plan public preschool career ladders 集體效能 Academic emphasis 校務治理 experimental education multiple case studies school innovation management effectiveness School ffectiveness teacher professional development Elementary School 關鍵成功因素 Reading Education 偏遠地區學校 counselors’ role 政策 rural elementary school qualitative research career decision-making 國民小學行政人員 administrative effectiveness 父母教養方式 Principal’s Positive Leadership Junior high school teachers 教學創新 學習動機 creative teaching 國民中學小補救教學 教保服務人員 職涯模組 教師分級 實驗教育 學校型態實驗教育 school-based experimental education school governance Principals’ instructional leadership 校長教學領導 Football School team management 校長學習領導 preschool teachers Self-regulated learning Technology-supported Self-regulated Learning Motor Skills 輔導工作困境 remote junior high school hierarchical regression analysis 健康促進計劃 policy implementation 職業倦怠 career guidance and counseling Authentic leadership A principal of junior high school status quo of bullying personal background 花蓮縣國民小學 校長正向領導 Quality Assurance System 教師學術樂觀 Optimism minorities 補救教學方案 Students' academic optimism educational quality 教師專業發展 principal learning leadership 幼兒園 體育教學 計畫行為理論 專任輔導教師的角色 school evaluation elementary schools unresolved issues 成效評估 融合教育 教師組織公民行為 多元文化教育 族語教育 學生學術樂觀 technical assessment for school remedial teaching teaching innovation 專業發展 educare givers Collective effectiveness teachers' professional learning community Sports school team teacher professional community 初任教師 工作困擾 Job Problems 沉浸式客語 動作技能 動作練習 guidance difficulties structural equation modeling school innovation management 待解問題 Burnout. 個案研究 Case study 行政效能 知識分享 bullying behavior personality trait 學術樂觀 性別 academic optimism of teachers 學業樂觀 Trust 學校創新經營效能 足球 教育品質 quality assurance system 教師專業社群 支持措施 Beginning Teachers preschool Hakka language immersion 科技輔助自主學習 Motor Cognition Physical Education Motor Practice sugar‐sweetened beverages(SSB) theory of planned behavior(TPB) school intellectual capital 政策執行 Junior high school. 生涯決策 indigenous junior high school student knowledge sharing Teacher’s Organizational Citizenship Behavior Academic optimism Teachers' academic optimism College students student's academic optimism 成功關鍵因素 teacher leadership 教師領導 professional development 創新教學 國民小學 國民中學 校隊經營 key success factor 行動學習 Mobile learning 動作認知 閱讀教育政策 政策影響因素 Influencing policy factors 學校創新經營 學校智慧資本 結構方程模式 inclusive education 質化研究
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